Sign up for a one-on-one chat
Schedule a call with a Let's Chat CAR T One-on-One patient or caregiver by calling 1-855-279-9383, or fill out the form below. We will do our best to schedule you for a chat with an experienced CAR T patient or caregiver as quickly as possible!
Once you submit the form on this page, someone will call you within 1-2 business days to complete your registration. After that registration call, you will be matched with a Let’s Chat CAR T One-on-One patient or caregiver who is best suited to answer your questions. About a week after you first submit the form, you can expect to connect with a patient or caregiver. One-on-one chats can be as long as an hour, or just a quick question or two. It's up to you!
You can also call us to register at 1-855-279-9383.
Let's Chat CAR T One-on-One patients and caregivers can answer your questions about topics like:
- What it was like to receive CAR T
- The CAR T treatment process
- The experience of being a caregiver for a CAR T patient
- Finding support and resources
- Communicating with your healthcare team
Let's Chat CAR T One-on-One patients and caregivers are not healthcare professionals or medical experts and cannot give medical advice—your doctor is your best source of medical and clinical information. However, speaking to an experienced patient or caregiver can help you understand the day-to-day experience of treatment with CAR T.
Who are the Let's Chat CAR T One-on-One patients and caregivers?
The Let's Chat CAR T One-on-One patients and caregivers come from across the United States. They include people with different backgrounds and blood cancer diagnoses who received their CAR T therapy at different treatment centers. After you sign up for a one-on-one chat, our team will connect with you to find out what questions are on your mind. Then, we'll pair you with a patient or caregiver whose personal experience is most relevant.